The Xander Edge

We are a client-centric firm and it is our desire that our clients view us as partners in the growth and progress of their respective businesses.

We understand that for discerning and saavy organizations and entrepreneurs, the ideal law firm is the one which, not only provides quality legal representation and services, but also one which has an in-depth understanding of the client’s business needs and challenges, provides true value, is responsive and remains focused on the client’s business/ commercial goals. This is the Xander Edge.

Xander Legal is a client-centric firm and it is our desire that our clients view us as partners in the growth and progress of their respective businesses. In dealing with every client, our aim is to always be dynamic, accessible and responsive. It is our primary goal to provide practical and commercially sensible advice that translates to true value to the client.

We engage in corporate and social responsibility initiatives

At Xander Legal we have a strong desire to make a difference and give back to our community. Because we are at our core a Corporate & Commercial Law practice our CSR initiatives are often geared toward helping business owners and entrepreneurs to understand the basics of law as it applies to their businesses and giving them access to the tools and information they need to run successful businesses in Nigeria.  

To this extent we regularly organize free Legal/Business Clinics where we assist young business owners and entrepreneurs to diagnose the ailments facing their companies as well as proffer solutions to same. We leverage on our extensive network of professionals and successful business people as well as organizations to empower young entrepreneurs and business owners to achieve their business goals. It is our firm belief that a strong economy is built on the strength of its entrepreneurs.

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Let's help you set up your next venture

Whether you are setting up a new company, investing in a new venture, conducting due diligence for commercial transactions, we are the firm to talk to for expert local advice.